A Way with Words

Someone asked me today why do I write poetry? The question boggled my mind, like how I even started writing poetry and why did I do it in the first place. The further I go back down the road of nostalgia drive I am reincarnated to a younger me. The one who felt and touched using his verbs in the most emotional way possible. I guess I found my way to writing in a desperate attempt to find out who I was. I used it as an outlet to express myself. It really made a difference in my life and how I chose to communicate and the confidence it gave when it came to who I am. When things in life were going on, I could always revert to the past writings that assured me of life. I have felt like writing for writers is like freezing moments of your life and your mind using syllables. The combination of words coming together and binding energy you can relate to for me is a form of love and connection with your readers. I often find it as a beautiful form of communication. I will write you a poem now brought to you other than mwah. โ€œThe eye of the storm has succumbed to us; the mellow aggressive feels of the rain hold my hand even when we drown in lust. Caress the tidal motor generating idle. Itโ€™s our destiny to stay here awhile.โ€ ย The feel of certain words combined with the elements of the universe can tell a story. A story your readers want to tie to and attract to your work. Build your fan base on who you are using your poetry to tell vivid stories and create connections through context. I hope all is well my fellow superior minds, I send this message with love. Here’s a little bit of something I’d like to share with you, I have more in the works coming soon!
