Tell me what’s your favorite book, questions I ask when meeting new people. It really says a lot about a person based on what they read or how much they do. Calm down calm down I’m not a judgmental person I don’t go off writing people off for no reason I’m a southern gent this means you only get one shot (waits for someone to laugh). Any who, so how does one analyze when meeting new people? We live in strange times my fellow readers, there are people around you for the wrong reasons and if you aren’t aware it could potentially hurt you in the long run. I for one am an over thinker it has it’s perks very detail oriented when it comes to critical thinking. Also, I’m OCD about productivity like right now it’s 5 am and I got up to write this post because I make sure production is a part of my day at least. Overthinking has its downfalls as well too, for instance over playing the smallest of scenarios in your head trying to find a problem even if it isn’t one. I don’t know why my cards were dealt to me this way, I’m just grateful it was a full flush. I want you guys to be able to spot real genuine connections around you and to value them with your whole heart The rest of the stuff you can choose to do with as you will I just want you to be aware. We will just jump right into it; I will tell you a story that I witnessed a little while back. The names will be made up for confidentiality purposes. So, I was at birthday for my friend Marco, now some of Marco’s friends aren’t my friends it was a day of introductions. I meet his friend Pollo who is all over the place trying to be the life of the show. He seems like a good kid with a good heart, but he seems reckless and unaware as well. The wrong circumstance he could possibly endanger me, or others and I can’t afford that. So, I tell the homie Marco its good vibes, but we got to slide out. Shortly after the police were at that house shutting down the party and taking up names. See how just one potential small detail can escalate into something else. Even though pollo wasn’t speaking for everyone but you are the company you keep. I didn’t go into major detail but work with me this Blog will be jumping with content in no time. For petes’ sake I am just getting started I barely know how to work my own website and I have had it since April. I am learning everything as I go it has been quite challenging but with my superior mind nothing will allow me to quit. So I hope it is the same for you love-bugs. Step outside and be great today, set daily goals, show love and compassion.