Essentials for COVID19 – How to build a lifestyle while in quarantine.

Essential Quarantine Pack

So much grief and despair going on in the world, what would be the best way we can stay sane in times like these? When everybody is in a panic and people are too afraid to even encounter each other. As soon as you turn your TV on scroll through social media or any platform you see this pandemic spreading not only across the world but also distracting your mind. I have some answers that may solve, or shall I say ease the tension. Iโ€™d like to shed light on certain things I do to pass my time and keep me busy productive and in good spirits. The older we get the more you see how critical just being happy is. We often take the priceless virtue for granted but through what Iโ€™m about to tell you we will prevail. One of the first things I like to do is meditate. Meditation is one of the essential keys to living a fruitful life, but no one ever tells you that though. Meditation can cure stress and anxiety we often get wrapped in our minds and the things going on in the material world. The calmness and soothing of the brain bringsโ€™ your tension down and leaves with a clearer and more focused you. Exercising your brain isnโ€™t the only thing you can exercise, keeping your body loose and limber is one of the most essential ways to preserve your youth. The heart constantly pumping and filtering blood the better for your overall health, take care of your body and it will take care of you. This morning soon as I woke up, I lit an in scent gave thanks to the higher powers and I ate a mango. Mangosโ€™ have an uncanny way cleaning out the toxins in your body itsโ€™ best to eat them on an empty stomach. Knowing the benefits of healthy foods and what they consist of are essential keys to your health and happiness. Finally learn a new skill or build a new hobby youโ€™ve always wanted to try. Spend this time working you and loving yourself itโ€™s the only way we can love others and love is what we need right now. Hope you guys enjoyed this post stay safe out there and stay in the house.