Male Affection: How hard is it to say I Love You to male friends and Why?

My friends and I are a bunch of children when we are together. Don’t get me wrong it is a time to buckle down then there is a time to let the shenanigans reign free. At certain points in life like when death is present, or a catastrophe is happening you tend to want to be closer to the ones you care for. I will never forget the first time I said “I love you” to one of my good friends. The cinematic phrases, the morning was dewy birds were chirping the sound of the car warming up creates a sense of urgency. My good friend is loading his bags inside the car. A deep sigh of agony, damn it man I got to head back to the crib bro” I said, “I already know bro y’all boys be safe on the road I love you, man.” It was almost the environment shifted and the sky turned purple vortex’s in the sky brought more anticipation. The beads of sweat begin to fill my friend’s pores on his forehead. Confusion sets in he don’t know where to place his eyes and suddenly he says back, “……. Much love my man.”


They suddenly take off the car and we throw up the peace sign. I had a good laugh at that but then I went inside the house and thought to myself, why was that so awkward? I mean it was awkward for me to even say it. As men, we are quick to embrace a girl who says they love us, and it may not even be true. Yet when we tell our male friends this and we have been friends for years it seems so hard to say. I think maybe the masculine side of us conflicted with the emotional side. I think we tie the emotional side our caring side is mainly tailored to women. Love is universal male or female this is a habit I think we males should practice because soon as one of us dies we are telling them how much we love them instead we should be doing while we are here and have the chance to.


You get no 2nd chances at life no re-do’s so when you only have 1 it’s best you make the most of it. Show your loved ones compassion no matter the gender. As I type these things to you, I am also reminding myself because even though I am tech I am still human too. So, mistakes will be made but again I’m glad you guys are taking the time to read exercise your brain and learn. It’s the first step to becoming a superior mind. We should normalize male affection for the simple fact men and women both have masculine and feminine sides we must know and understand both of them.



I hope all is well in your space please stay safe lead with grace superior minds are off to the race