The True Essence of Time

We all fall victim to procrastination it feels damn near impossible to properly task everything you have going on. Most times the days can feel so jam-packed by the time you look up the day is over and you didn’t get all you wanted to be done. I personally hate that feeling, for me to get my day started I have to get up at the latest at 7 am and get going on writing these blog posts and any other daily goal tasks. if I wake up any later than 8:30 am I feel I wasted good time and end up feeling like I ruined my own day. So what I like to do is the night before everything I would like to see done the next day I write out and I pick the most tedious and difficult ones first to do. For example, I like to work out at least 3 or 4 times a week. I also like to read and make my real estate calls along with writing. I like to do it all before 12pm so I can have time to work on my website plus I am starting some business. My hands are full every day if I wait too long then that stuff may drag out until the night time in turn holding up the next day because lack the attention span to see the next day through now. See? Things can carry on to the next day and can hinder your week. When I am in a deep procrastination slump I like to pour myself a glass of hot vitamin D milk and pour it on my face to get me going. I am just kidding(maybe) but the effort of doing something jolt yourself into a time management state is what we need to reach. Knowing exactly what we have to do to get stuff done is what is expected of us that are seeking to be superior-minded folks. Believe in yourself and the things you want to do in life also remember that nothing superior will be easy. Each step will have 6 baby steps that are what it takes for mental and financial freedom. Uncomfortably is the biggest key to success putting yourself in uncomfortable situations leads to your greatness. That means waking up and getting the things done you want to see done but you don’t feel comfortable doing. Do them anyway, I mean why not? We only get one life I would prefer we say in the end we used to the best of our ability.

I hope all is well in your space please stay safe lead with grace superior minds are off to the race. With love Mac