We tend to take simple things for granted in this life. I don’t know why for the life of me why we do that, but I do know that paying attention to detail really comes in handy. I was home doing some research I was on my second smoke break and was just feeling cloudy in the head. I was trying to write one of my recent blog posts shared and I just couldn’t get right. I knew I needed to get a lot don’t that day, so I decided to put some pressure on myself to get all my stuff done.
I ended up just bearing more anxiety on to myself, so I gave myself (i) a stern talking to in the mirror. Then I suddenly realized I haven’t meditated yet today for some reason meditation makes me feel a lot better. I always wondered why, I ended up just letting go of everything I was trying to do that day and ended focusing on one thing at a time. It really hurt my pride I want to be one of those guys who can do it all. I want people to think of me and they think how versatile and successful he is at different things. Sadly, it does not work this way because we are human, again, unfortunately.
We have to put our time energy and focus into one thing at a time. Yes, I know I am getting off-topic my bad guys but back to fresh air
I was puzzled on why felt so much better after meditating and I did some research on meditation. Did you know? According to, Times of India Deep breathing alkalinizes the body getting fresh air to the brain basically clears out all the mumbo jumbo going on up there. Not only does it do that, but it also relieves tension and stress in areas you can’t get to like your face and head. Considering those two are one and the same you can render me superior for the day. I was cooped up in my house for a couple of day stressing out I just opened the windows to let some fresh air in and my mood completely changed. I am saying all of this to say guys get some fresh air take some time and breathe let the world know you are here.
I hope all is well in your space please stay safe lead with grace superior minds are off to the race