First off let’s get straight to the brass tax I am an introvert through and through. Not only am I an introvert I am also one who enjoys his own company not the best combination. Like my fellow introverts, we enjoy a life of silence and solace. We don’t dislike people we just don’t like them in our space most of the time. Often you can find us somewhere in the house holding the crib down because we know we must maximize, all the in-house potential for these bills we pay here, isn’t that right? You don’t have to answer that I already know. All the joys of being an introvert have taught me one thing I had to come face to face with. You can’t make any money!! What’s the point of a comfort zone if you can’t get comfortable unless you’re comfortable broke? I will have to direct you to the blog posts above if that is the case at superior minds will need to do some work. Let us get back to it, like I said we can’t be millionaires being introverts it is just not physically possible to seize a goal of that size and only keeping to yourself. On top of you would be missing out on the joys of human connection. I’m sure we know it has its downsides, but the human connection can be some of the most beautiful life-changing things you could ever have in this life. We introverts would rob ourselves of temporary peace of mind. Those of us here at superior minds don’t settle for that crap we test our limits every chance we get. we work steadily to be masters of mind because we know if we can master our mind then we have the power to be anyone we want to be. There is a switch we must learn to turn on and off, it is the extrovert/introvert switch. Having the knowledge and mental control to turn on and off this switch as you please will mold your life beyond measure you could think of. The joys of human interaction are how you build a connection that gives you a form of authenticity. The more authentic you are the more people will want to be around you and you attract a money consciousness if you will around you. This could all be you if you just challenge yourself to find ways to challenge your mind on a regular day to day basis. The more mental strength you build up the better you will be at establishing discipline to make your dreams come true. I hope all is well I send these messages with adorn. Mac