We all know someone that eats bad and probably not the most motivated. It’s no coincidence that there is a direct correlation to being lazy poor, having food choices and lack of exercise. All 3 stem from a mental complex or shall I say mental simplification that promotes complacency. Complacency turns the body and the brain to mush. Sure, we all love chili dogs and bar b que with the family and friends passing around fatties. It’s all good until those good times add up and collect in your arteries and you die at 38 from sudden health complications. The body is truly a temple and a work of art we must monitor it with care love and concern. One thing that helped me with exercising and eating right, well a couple things was taking the time to study the fruits and vegetables I put into my body. I put turmeric and ginger in my herbal tea in the morning to help with inflammatory the buildup of toxins in the digestion process. I mix blueberries and spinach into my smoothies to give me the antioxidants and vitamin E for my skin and eyesight to prosper. Those are just a few of many of the earths naturally occurring candy and remedies. I suddenly didn’t desire to eat bad anymore because I knew it would make me feel bad. I knew eat bad would depress me and I could possible slip back into “mental simplification”. Now I’m sitting here picturing me struggle to get up at 7am tying on my shoes fumbling and whimpering down the street. Running can be a terrible and uncomfortable feeling especially those of us who dislike being uncomfortable. It is always the natural feeling for me no matter how good I get at it most of the times but also the more I do it the better I get and the longer I can run. When I finish up almost all the times, I feel like a million smackaroos. I feel confident in myself and I feel mentally open my chest is broad and poking with assurance. That high is my addiction (see last post) I must chase it in this world it allows me to escape and mentally and physically push my limits at the same time. The small details of being self-discipline to get up early and push my body past it’s limits gives me the immunity to resist temptation. Temptation is the force or that little itch you get when you’ve ate already but you feel like you need more food, the “one more cigarette or one more drink won’t hurt”. It all stems from temptation so if you can learn slowly at your pace to resist temptation then you will be golden. Hey nobody is telling you to stop eating ice cream completely just cut back on the blue bell just a tad. I found my way out of the rabbit hole and so can you.