Will Power: Why you should be cautious where you place it.

Tons of us start a lot of things and we fail to finish them. We get all super excited about the new idea forming a new path then it dies. We start to see just how exactly the length of this journey to make it to the highway. This feeling you get when you see exactly just how far we must go. It is discouraging, so we bail out and take the weight off our shoulders. Indeed, it feels free to let go but a few weeks or months go by and realize just how much progress you could have made at this specific goal. The body and the mind operate on two different wavelengths signs of exhaustion at tasks are just forms of our body protecting us from danger. By no means donโ€™t go out overdoing it but pushing past your limits is a major form of growth. Constantly challenging ourselves to overcome is how we grow but this sometimes can be a long and tedious process. You must understand sacrifices must be made you get nothing if you give nothing. So, give whatever you may decide you should give first and foremost. So back to this willpower thing, how can we utilize it best to our truest desire to becoming a superior mind? Will power, is the exertion of mental and physical energy at a given task. For example, if work was extra busy and it required you to channel in and give X amount of energy. It will probably be hard to come home and work on things for your time. I know, I know get to it Mac with the answers I got you my good people at superior minds will always be taken care of thatโ€™s for sure. We must learn to micromanage ourselves pay attention to every detail such as sleeping habits eating habits extracurricular routines. Study where you choose willingly to exert energy, and yes sitting on the couch on Netflix eating Chinese food is exerting energy. You see, once we can officially monitor how and where choose to use our willpower, we will be more cautious. We will think about getting an hour early to do that workout before, so we wonโ€™t say we are too tired after work. We will do stuff like miss our favorite tv show to make time to study so we can learn a new skillset. That skillset might feel worthless now but if you stay persistent anything you do. You will be bound to master it, if you sit on the couch scrolling Netflix you could tell us what good and bad movie are, which tv shows are a no go, similarities in production and cast members. The reason for that is because you chose to exert your focus here and where you exert focus is when you learn. The brain is constantly trying to learn new things to master and make a comfortable habit for the body. Yet it is when the brain is in a constant state flux when it is most useful. We good folks at superior minds make time for our will power because through we can manifest. Stay safe. Mac